The lower plants of Bird Island and KEP

Many fungi, lichen, liverworts and mosses have been reported from South Georgia. These images show a selection from Bird Island, with a few from around KEP.  I've also added a few from Rothera seen in 2004.  Click on the thumbnail to see the full resolution images, which are about 1Mb in size.  Thanks to Ron Lewis-Smith for providing identifications..


liverwort (884285 bytes) liverwort (943893 bytes) liverwort (877485 bytes) DSCN0885.JPG (922889 bytes) liverwort (695937 bytes)

Lophozia sp.  This species grows on bare rock faces above the scree line.

Photo-micrograph of Lophozia

Riccardia sp.

Cephaloziella varians.  This species was found in some of the meadows in Wanderer Valley, just below Wanderer Ridge.  It appears to favour the grass meadows.  The stems are very thin, and the bifurcated leaf tips are brown, where the rest of the plant is green or colourless.  It may be mixed in with other species.

DSCN0891.JPG (927071 bytes)

Photo-micrographs of C. varians

DSCN0998.JPG (897165 bytes) marchantia (1636316 bytes) DSCN0246.JPG (745929 bytes) DSCN0896.JPG (848499 bytes) DSCN0803.JPG (806723 bytes)

Gottschia sp.   Liverwort found on rocks at top of scree slope above King Edward Cove.

Marchantia berteroana.  The most easily recognisable liverwort on the island.  The large thallus is often visible on the peat banks of the lower parts of the streams.

Barbilophozia hatcheri/Lophozia propagulifera? Pachyglossa dissitifolia?

Lophocolea sp?
A leafy liverwort

DSCN0859.JPG (789477 bytes)   DSCN0894.JPG (834956 bytes) DSCN0897.JPG (877485 bytes) DSCN0798.JPG (849390 bytes)
Riccardia spp.   Riccardia spp. Riccardia spp. Riccardia spp.


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Chorisodontium aciphyllum Syntrichia robusta Sanionia uncinatus Bartramia patens Polystrichastrum alpinum
with sporophytes (capsules)
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Polystrichastrum alpinum Conostomum pentastichum Racomitrium lanuuginosum (grey) and Bucklandiella heterostichum (brown). Philonotis acicularis ? Philonotis acicularis ?
(was Andreaea ?)


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Omphalina sp. ?Mycena Peligera canina with pink ascomycete fungus.  (KEP) Cup fungi (Maiviken lakes)  
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At least 6 different lichens are visible in this image, including Pseudocyphellaria freycinetti (Yellowish, crinkly bottom L), Sphaerophorus globosus (corally, pinkish, centre-lower R), Cladonia sp (yellow spiky, top centre), Tephromela atra? (white, crustose) Cladonia sp (brownish, mid lower left) and Stereocaulon (grey) Xanthoria elegans Rhizocarpon geographicum Stereocaulon cf.
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Usnea antarctica Hypogymnia lugubris      
Some Antarctic  Lichen from Rothera    
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Umbilicaria decussate (dark discs), Usnea sphacelata (black bushy) and Pleopsidium chlorophanus (sulpher yellow) Rhizocarpon geographicum Usnea antarctica and Pseudephebe miniscula (black) Umbilicaria antarctica Xanthoria elegans

Copyright  Jonathan Shanklin 

Updated 2006 April 4