2004 Profile Data for Halley

Daily plots of Winds, Temperature and Relative Humidity for Halley. Data are grouped together by month. Click on individual day to get larger image. Click on full scale image to see data as text. Images are jpeg format: please note that image names are in YYMMDD format to assist in chronological listing.

Wind speeds are in ms-1, wind directions in degrees from true north, temperatures in degrees Celsius:

Relative humidity is presented twice: as raw data (i.e. as given by the HMP45 instrument, and therefore w.r.t. water) and calibrated using Anderson 1994, and converted to be w.r.t. ice.

January Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
February Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
March Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
April Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
May Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
June Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
July Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
August Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
September Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
October Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
November Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)
December Wind speed Wind direction Temperature RHwater (raw) RHice (cal)

Times are in GMT: Halley is at 76S 26W.

Text data for each day exist behind each image, accessable by clicking on the image. The 12 columnsare Time as (yy mm dd hh mm ss), followed by siz columns of the data: column order (from left to rigth) is nominal levels of [1 2 4 8 16 32] metre. Wind speeds are in m/s, wind direction relative to true north, Temperature is as measured (i.e. not potential temperature), Relative Humidity is %, with respect to water or ice. Date / time stamps are the mean of the ten minute averaging period.

If you wish to use the images or would like the original data, please contact
Phil Anderson