function n802pp1,file,data=data,txt=txt,bin=bin,array=array,bi2=bi2,nored=nored,keepred=keepred,noisy=noisy,nofilename=nofilename,lun=lun,lbexp=lbexp ; Purpose: convert ERA (reduced) gaussian n80 data into pp-format ; Category: io data-conversion ; ; Note: distinguishes between daily fields (reads time info from file name) ; and monthlies (will adjust time) according to file name ending in "avg" ; Note: expects input files to be named as for the output of "" in ; order to deduce time and variable info (probably by now, ; and don't forget EDITION=1) ; ; Options: ; data=data - hand the routine the data, in which case it won't read it from file ; /txt - input file is in text format ; /bin - input file is in binary format (native 4-byte reals) (default) ; /bi2 - input is in "bin2" format ; /array - return data interpolated, not wrapped up as pp-field ; array=2 return original data (not interpolated onto rectangular grid) ; /nored - input is 320*160, *not* reduced-grid ; /keepred - input is reduced and we *dont* want it interpolated onto regular grid ; /nofilename - the filename is not in the required format; don't attempt to deduce the ; field names/dates from it. Using this option probably means that ; you have forgotten to pass the files through and you are ; trying to read raw grib which will fail... ; lun=lun - variable to keep the lun in ; lbexp=lbexp - set lbexp to something other than ERA, eg 'eop' or number @comm_error if (keyword_set(noisy)) then print,'File: '+file ; Read in the numbers of points around each longitude circle (this is ERA-n80 ; specific) and the latitudes of the rows (this too) nlon=reform(readfromfile('$WMCDATA/n80.nlon.ERA'),160) lats=reform(readfromfile('$WMCDATA/n80.lats.ERA'),160) ; Note the total number of points we expect if (keyword_Set(nored)) then np=320l*160l else np=total(nlon) ; Read in the data itself (unless data supplied in call) if (n_elements(data) eq 0) then begin ; May need to gunzip if (strpos(file,'.gz') ne -1) then begin file1=file spawn,'echo '+file+'|sed "s/.*\///"',file file='/tmp/'+file(0) spawn,'gunzip -c '+file1+'>'+file endif if (keyword_set(txt)) then $ data=readfromfile(file) $ else if (keyword_set(bi2)) then begin openr,lun,file,/get np1=1l & ref=0. & scale=1. readu,lun,np1,scale,ref if (keyword_set(noisy)) then print,'np, np1, scale, ref: ',np,np1,scale,ref if (np ne np1) then message,'whoops! np != np1: '+shtstr(np)+' '+shtstr(np1) data=bytarr(np*2) & readu,lun,data i=lindgen(np) data=(data(i*2)*256.+data(i*2+1))*scale+ref free_lun,lun endif else begin if (lun ne 0) then $ message,/cont,'trying to keep reading from open lun '+shtstr(lun) $ else $ openr,lun,file,/get junk=fstat(lun) if (junk.size/4 ne np) then message,'File size/4 != total(nlon); maybe set /nored?: '+shtstr(junk.size/4)+' '+shtstr(np),/cont data=fltarr(np) & readu,lun,data if (not eof(lun)) then $ message,/cont,'not at eof: will try to read another field' $ else begin free_lun,lun lun=0 endelse endelse if (n_elements(file1) ne 0) then begin spawn,'rm '+file,junk file=file1 endif endif if (not keyword_set(keepred)) then begin ; J counts the points we've processed; data1 is the output array j=0 data1=fltarr(320,160) ; Now loop over each row, putting data from "data" into "data1" if (keyword_Set(nored)) then $ data1=reform(data,320,160) $ else for i=0,n_elements(nlon)-1 do begin ind=indgen(nlon(i))+j ; Interpolate onto a 320-point grid, which is the resolution at the equator ; Note we wrap "data" around the longitude circle to allow interpolation ; past the "last" point back to the "first" (0E) point. d=interpolate([data(ind),data(ind(0))],indgen(320)*float(nlon(i))/320) data1(*,i)=d j=j+nlon(i) endfor endif ; -------------------------------------------------------- ; Past this point we become UKMO (pp-field) specific ; We may want to stop here and just return the data1 array ; -------------------------------------------------------- if (keyword_set(array)) then begin if (array eq 1) then return,data1 ; Make sure /keepred not set! if (array eq 2) then return,data ; Would be sensible to set /keepred in this case endif ; Wrap up "data1" as a pp-field. Note that the y-coords (lats) are supplied ; vi "y=lats" since they are irregular (gaussian) if (keyword_set(keepred)) then begin y=fltarr(4,n_elements(lats)) y(0,*)=lats y(1,*)=0 y(2,*)=float(nlon) y(3,*)=float(nlon) pp=makeppfield(data,y=y,noisy=keyword_set(noisy)) pp.lbhem=0 endif else begin dx=360./320. pp=makeppfield(data1,zx=-dx,dx=dx,y=lats,noisy=keyword_set(noisy)) pp.lbhem=0 endelse ; Set up info from file name if (not keyword_Set(nofilename)) then gofilename2header,pp,file ; Set lbexp as other than ERA, if required if (keyword_set(lbexp)) then begin if (datatype(lbexp) ne 7) then pp.lbexp=lbexp $ else pp.lbexp=pp_guess_lbexp(lbexp) endif ; Return the field return,pp end ; ------------------------------------------- function n802pp,files1,nofilename=nofilename,_extra=e @comm_error if (not keyword_set(nofilename)) then begin if (n_elements(files1) eq 1) then $ spawn,'ls '+files1,files $ else $ files=files1 n=n_elements(files) endif else begin files='' n=nofilename ; This is usually 1 endelse lun=0 i=0 n_extra=0 while (i lt n+n_extra) do begin if (i eq 0) then $ pps=replicate(n802pp1(files(0),nofilename=nofilename,lun=lun,_extra=e),n) $ else $ pps(i)=n802pp1(files(i-n_extra),nofilename=nofilename,lun=lun,_extra=e) if (lun ne 0) then begin pps=[pps,pps(0)] n_extra=n_extra+1 endif i=i+1 endwhile return,pps end