Non-Refereed (and otherwise dodgy) Conference-Papers/Reports/Posters/Book-Reviews/Abstracts

Click on links for the abstract. Some papers may have the text available too.


W. M. Connolley and S. A. Harangozo, A comparison of five numerical weather prediction an alysis climatologies in southern high latitudes, in "Proceedings of the second international conference on reanalyses" p241-244, WCRP-109, WMC/TD-NO. 985,


"Was an immenent ice age predicted in the 1970's?" - tea talk given at BAS


W. M. Connolley, review of "Laboratory Earth: the planetary gamble we can't afford to lose" by S. H. Schneider, Weather, p28, 1998.


W. M. Connolley and J. C. King, Variability in Annual Mean Circulation in Southern High Latitudes, preprints volume, IAMAS/IAPSO conference, Melbourne, July 1997.

W. M. Connolley, J. C. King and S. A. Harangozo, A Comparison of Four Numerical Weather Prediction Analysis Climatologies in Southern High Latitudes, preprints volume, IAMAS/IAPSO conference, Melbourne, July 1997.

Turner J., J. King, S. Harangozo, W. Connolley, and G. Marshall. Major changes in the climate of the Antarctic Peninsula during the last 50 years. Chap. in Preprints, Seventh Conference on Climate Variations, February 2-7 1997, Long Beach, California. Boston: American Meteorological Society. J88-J91, 1997.


W. M. Connolley, review of "Human Impacts on Weather and Climate" by W. R. Cotton and R. A. Pielke, Meterol. Appl., p374, 1996.


Connolley, W.M. 1995. Changes to snow accumulation over Antarctica in a coupled AOGCM, talk given at the 3rd international conference on modelling of global climate change and variability, Hamburg.

Connolley, W.M. 1995. The Antarctic Inversion. Preprints volume, Fourth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, Dallas, USA, 19-21.

Connolley, W.M. and Genthon, C.G. 1995. Surface Energy Balance in Antarctica Report written for ESF on completion of second stage of exchange visit.


Connolley, W.M. 1994. Accumulation over Antarctica as represented by the UK Met. Office GCM. Talk given at VISAG, Cambridge, UK.


Connolley, W.M., J.C. King and H. Cattle. 1993. Diagnostic studies of atmospheric water vapour transport to Antarctica, using radiosonde and GCM data. Preprints volume, Fourth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanograph, Hobart, Australia 1993, 446-467.

1992 and before

Connolley, W.M. 1992. Global climate models and Antarctica. In The contribution of Antarctic Peninsula ice to sea level rise. Report for the Commission of the European Communities Project EPOC-CT90-0015. Ice and Climate Special Report, Vol. 1. Ed. Morris, E.M. British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, 25-26.

Connolley, W.M., J.C. King and H. Cattle. 1991. Diagnostic studies of tropospheric water vapour transport to Antarctica. In Abstract, XX, IUGG-IAMAP, Vienna, August 1991.

Connolley, W.M. 1991. Meeting Report. Joint meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society and the International Glaciological Society - Ice and Climate. Imperial College, London, 17 April 1991. Weather, 46(11), 358-360.