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AADCP and Gridded Data Sets

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The first table on this page lists some of the relevant AADCP links; the second has a list of gridded data sets.

The Australian Antarctic Data Centre Portal (AADCP) holds data from Australia's Antarctic Research. The data can be searched using the download specific search box on the left side of the page. The data is available to be downloaded but you have to set up an account first.

Below is a list of the data accessed through the Antarctic Master Directory (AMD). Links to the AMD site for each data set have been provided so that the metadata can be accessed.









AMD Link

Locations of the various fronts in the Southern Ocean y y y 1994-2006 Y Circumpolar excel, http AMD
Locations of the various fronts GIS y y y 1994-2006 Y Circumpolar GIS data AMD
Mertz Polynya Experiment y y y 1998-2000 N Indian Ocean matlab,.dat, .all AMD
Casey Station current meter data (4 types) y y y 1997-1998 N Indian Ocean excel files AMD
Casey Station current meter data (4 types) y y y 2000-2002 N Indian Ocean AMD
Aurora australis marine science cruise y y y 2001-2002 N Indian Ocean excel, http AMD
Aurora australis ADCP Data y 1994-1999 N Indian Ocean text matlab AMD
Amery Ice Shelf interaction y y y 2000-2006 Y Indian Ocean Excel AMD
Amery Ice Shelf experiment y y y 2001-2002 N Indian Ocean AMD
Amery Ice Shelf experiment y y y 1985-1986 N Indian Ocean AMD
Amery Ice Shelf experiment y y y 1986-1987 N Indian Ocean AMD
Amery Ice Shelf experiment y y y 1987-1988 N Indian Ocean AMD
Nella Dan Geoscience Cruise CTD y y 1982 N Indian Ocean AMD
Nella dan Geoscience Cruise CTD y y 1982 N Indian Ocean AMD
SIMR Access 2000 Database y y 1991-2002 N Indian Ocean access AMD
Nella Dan: SIBEX II Cruise y y 1985 N Indian Ocean AMD
Mawson Temperature and Salinity Data y y 1980-1982 N Indian Ocean csv, excel file AMD
Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data y y 1997 N Pacific Ocean AMD
Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data y y 1998 N Pacific Ocean AMD
Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data y y 1990 N Pacific Ocean AMD
Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data y y 1991 N Pacific Ocean AMD
Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data y y 1991 N Pacific Ocean AMD

Gridded Data Sets


Data Location

Time Period


U.K. Met Office


Gridded data sets of meteorological variables maintained by the Met Office Hadley Centre

Had1SST and HadSST2 have sea surface temperature data

EN2 has in situ ocean temperature and salinity profiles







Scripps Joint Environmental Data Analysis Centre

Monthly gridded fields of ocean temperature (at surface and various depths)

1955-2003 Circumpolar

WOA Data Sets

WOA 2001

Levitus WOA 1998

World ocean temperature and salinity data

Also WOA 1998

Get the WOA data here too

Levitus WOA 1994

Same as above





Kaplan Extended SST V2

Gridded global SST anomalies from 1856-present derived from UK Met Office SST data

NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (SST) V2

A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods

NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) V2

Produced weekly on a 1° grid. The analysis uses in situ and satellite SST's plus SST's simulated by sea-ice cover.




SODA Live Access Servers

LAS sites hosted by NOAA/PMEL/TMAP


Oceanic and air-sea interface data from the UMD Simple Ocean Data Assimilation reanalysis



NOAA Climate Prediction Centre

Provides plots and animation for sea surface temperature and sea surface currents.

NOAA Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis

Analysis using in situ and satellite SSTs plus SSTs simulated by sea ice cover produced weekly on a one-degree grid




Last updated 4 October 2006
Dr John Turner, Britsh Antarctic Survey (